Flutter Continuous Code Inspection

Flutter Continuous Code Inspection

with Sonarqube



The dartanalyzer command performs the same static analysis that you get when you use an IDE or editor that has Dart support. You can customize the analysis using an analysis options file or special comments in the Dart source code.

Here’s an example of performing static analysis over all the Dart files under the lib, test, and web directories:

     dartanalyzer lib test web

Dart is downloaded by the Flutter SDK in $FLUTTER_HOME/bin/cache/dart-sdk, however, command lines are not on the path by default (dartanalyzer must be on the path).

It is recommended to install Dart SDK separately for more reliability in a CI/CD environment.

Flutter SDK

Install Flutter as explained on the official documentation page.

SonarQube Installation

SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality.

Using Docker:

The images of the Community, Developer, and Enterprise Editions are available on Docker Hub hub.docker.com/_/sonarqube

Start the server by running:

$ docker run -d — name sonarqube -p 9000:9000

Log in to localhost:9000 with System Administrator credentials (login=admin, password=admin).

Advanced configuration

The sonarqube doesn’t own a plugin for analyzing dart language and flutter test reports. So we require a custom made plugin (jar) added to sonarqube extensions.

A plugin to enable an analysis of Dart and Flutter projects into SonarQube is available below:


Customized image

In some environments, it may make more sense to prepare a custom image containing your configuration. A Dockerfile to achieve this may be as simple as:


FROM sonarqube

COPY sonar-flutter-plugin-0.2.1.jar /opt/sonarqube/extensions/plugins

Build & Run

sudo docker build — tag sonarq .

sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 sonarq

Sonar Scanner

The SonarScanner is the scanner to use when there is no specific scanner for your build system.

Source: binaries.sonarsource.com/Distribution/sonar..


Expand the downloaded file into the directory of your choice. We’ll refer to it as $install_directory in the next steps. Update the global settings to point to your SonarQube server by editing


Default SonarQube server


Add the $install_directory/bin directory to your path.

export PATH = “$PATH:/$HOME/sonar-scanner/bin”

Verify your installation by opening a new shell and executing the command

sonar-scanner -h (sonar-scanner.bat -h on Windows).

You should get output like this:

usage: sonar-scanner [options]


-D, — define Define property -h, — help Display help information -v, — version Display version information -X, — debug Produce execution debug output

Sonar Configuration

Create a sonar-project.properties file at the root of the project :

  • Project identification


sonar.projectName=Flutter Sample


  • Source code location. Path is relative to the sonar-project.properties file. Defaults to . Use commas to specify more than one folder.

    sonar.sources=lib sonar.tests=test

  • Encoding of the source code. Default is default system encoding.


Run Analysis

Use the following commands from the root folder to start an analysis:

  • Download dependencies

    flutter pub get

  • Run tests

    flutter test --machine > tests.output

  • Compute coverage (--machine and --coverage cannot be run at once...)

    flutter test --coverage

  • Run the analysis and publish it to the SonarQube server






dart.dev/tools/dartanalyzer sonarqube.org docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/scan/son.. docs.sonarqube.org/latest/setup/get-started.. hub.docker.com/_/sonarqube github.com/insideapp-oss/sonar-flutter